Valmon Stampati S.p.A. has obtained the support of the European Regional Development Fund for the acquisition of an innovative line equipped with a high automation system, thanks to which it has been possible to launch a development plan that allows it to satisfy the growing demand for products with high added value, such as materials with alloys such as Ecobrass and Cuphin, which are characterized by the absence of lead, without interfering with the current production, aimed at creating a Factory 4.0.IInnovative molding process through an automated and interconnected island in a 4.0 perspective
Project: Acquisition of an automated island for the production of components mainly intended for the thermo-sanitary sector, aimed at creating a 4.0 Factory.
Expected results: high automation of processes, increase in employment and margins, increase in competitiveness. Initiative carried out under Priority Axis III Promote the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Objective: Investments in favor of growth and employment.
1) Finanziamento: 675.121,00 Euro
2) Contributo in conto capitale: 101.368,58 Euro
3) Garanzia in ESL: 29.375,00 Euro.
Project: Acquisition of an automated island for the production of components mainly intended for the thermo-sanitary sector, aimed at creating a 4.0 Factory.
Expected results: high automation of processes, increase in employment and margins, increase in competitiveness. Initiative carried out under Priority Axis III Promote the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Objective: Investments in favor of growth and employment.
1) Finanziamento: 675.121,00 Euro
2) Contributo in conto capitale: 101.368,58 Euro
3) Garanzia in ESL: 29.375,00 Euro.